Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday August 15 (pictures)

Man oh man...maybe the world is telling me to give up on blogging!!!!!
(Just kidding....I wouldn't do that!  These are treasured memories :)
But is so late!
Had so much fun at the ward camp out....
Left and got home around 1ish.
Brent went and got the sander so we could get a couple more hours in. called in to work!
So he brought me the sander, I got to work and he headed to the station.
The kids just watched TV...all very exhausted from the camping fun....and way too many late nights in a row!!!!!
I looked out at one point and saw the baby goats out!
So the kids went and rounded them up and put them back in.
Not sure how they got out.
Anyway.....about 30 minutes later, I noticed them out again.
So I had the kids get them again and then wait and watch outside to see if they could see how they are getting out.
But they never tried anything.
About 4:45, I stopped sanding, loaded up the sander and returned it.
I will pick it up again Monday and hopefully finish up with that part and *fingers crossed* stain on Tuesday!
After dropping off the sander, we headed to the Young's house for a little BBQ and swim.
Alex is here visiting with her kiddos, so it was fun to be able to see her.
And we got to see Pat and Steve and meet Heather's sister that just moved here.
The kids had fun and I had a good time chatting.
We stopped by Target to gets shoes for Cassi and pants for Elsie.
While at Target, I got a call from my soon to be neighbor, who will be renting from the Edwards.
They are in our ward right now, so we already know them.
Anyway, he called and said he was driving down the lane and saw the goats out!
So he tried to get them in with his wife, but they weren't having luck.
So they hung around until we could get there.
We worked our magic and got them back in, with the help from Vern and Billy who passed by on their way home too.
Then we sat around and talked for a while.
Then Billy wanted to come see what we had done with the floors.....then we all talked some more :)
Finally got the kiddo in bed about 9:30.
I feel sweaty, dirty, smokey, sweaty, oh did I say sweaty? I am gonna shower and put pictures up when I do ALL THE OTHERS!!!!!!!!
Believe me....they will be so worth it ;)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Never stop blogging!! As you wrote, they are treasured memories!! :o) Love you!!