Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Wednesday April 1

We all had a pretty good night.
Dad slept from midnight until about 6:30.
Which is great, but it also means that he skipped a he woke up hurting and it took some time to get him to feel a little better.
It was good for him to get some good un-interrupted sleep.
The kids all started getting up around 8ish.
I was dragging.
I thought I slept good, but I must not have.
I don't know anymore.
So once the kids were all up, Daddy told me to go and lay back down.
So I did, he's bossy like that :)
The kiddos watched a movie with dad and I got a good hour or so of sleep.
Then Jenni stopped by.
It was so good to see her.
She brought some yummy bread and treats from Great Harvest.
We all had ourselves a nice warm buttered slice of bread :)
Heather came back by to see how things were going and to pick up a few things.
Seriously, those two ladies......
Don't know what I would do without them in my life.
I started making some calls today on my long list of people I needed to call.
The hospital.....the state trooper....the kids schools....etc.
I also made an dr. appt for Madi and Cassi.
I wasn't too concerned about Cassi, but I needed to get Madi in.
She seems to not be getting any better, even a little worse....with some pain shooting down her left leg.
When I took the girls to the doc, Stacia came and grabbed Elsie and Port and took them to play at her house.
We ended up being at the doc for a really long time....they were waiting for the records to come in from Evanston Hospital.
They decided they want to send Madi in for some further stuff at an orthopedic surgeon.
They can't get her in until next Wednesday.....that is a long ways away.....but they are going to try and see if they can get her in sooner.
While at the doc, Vern went and got some groceries for me.
Things I could have done, cause I was already out....but she said if she did it, I could get home to Brent quicker ;)
She is so great.
Like super great!
Well, Stacia wanted to take the kiddos for ice cream, so I dropped Madi and Cassi off to her at Yogurtz after their appt, where she had Port, Elsie, Cannon and Carley.
So that was fun for the kids.
And I got to go home and have a little bit of quiet time with Dad :)
I grabbed the mail on the way in.
In the mail was our insulation bill.
A guy in our ward did the insulation for us, Marv Ward.
He did an amazing job, treated us so well.
He went above and beyond.
Well, today, in our bill we got a note along with it.
A note that said that our bill had been paid.
And this was not a small bill you guys.
Why are people so good to us????
Words cannot express what this act of generosity did for us.
We were floored.
We had dinner brought in to us from the Woodward family.
And dessert brought to us by Madi's Sunday school teacher, Sister Hansen.
It is days like today that I am so grateful not to have to worry about a meal.
I had my mind on so many other things.
So grateful.
At some point in the day the kiddos watched another movie with Dad.
So happy to have a nice (adjustable) bed right there in the front room thanks to Stacia and Paul.
It has made things so great!
Stacia....another angel in my life that I never knew I couldn't live without :)
Madi decided she wanted to go to Mutual tonight.
After all, they were just watching a movie, and that is what the docs told her to do, just zone out watching movies :)
They watched "Meet the Mormons".
I wanted to see it, but I needed to take care of Daddy :)
After Madi was picked up by Carley, I took Cassi and Porter to Walmart.
I have promised him many times I would get him another Star Wars Lego each time I stayed in the hospital instead of coming home....
This kid is gonna think this car accident was just the greatest thing!
Legos, yummy food and treats delivered to the door, welcome home parites, new car (eventually), and a heck of a roller coaster ride!
I mean, come on!!!!
What little boy wouldn't be in heaven?
I am only kidding, of course.
It has been hard on him.
So I wasn't about to break the promise.
As I was pulling out of our lane, I see Jason Woodward and Mike Chidester drive up and said that they changed their activity for the night and were coming to put the plate things on the light switches and plugs.
So nice of them!
While I was gone, I guess Paul (Morgan) brought over some cookies...yum :)
After I got back from Walmart, Bubbles and Eldon were here, as well as Bishop Larsen and David Leveille.
Bubbles was looking so good!
She walked herself in....she said she has ditched the walker for a cane :)
Just in the nick of time, cause now Brent can have the walker!
Funny how things work out that way ;)
After she left we had a great little sit down with Bishop, while Bro. Leveille helped Port out with the Lego set.
We are just beyond blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people.
So many people willing to share their love, their talent, their words, their time....
It feels like we are taking more than our share lately.
But I am so very grateful.
So grateful for the goodness of people and that we get to be associated with them.
We knew we were blessed before all this stuff happened....
We knew that there is a reason we are right here at this time in our lives.
It is because we needed to be around these people.
We needed to be uplifted by them, carried by them, and loved by them.


Grandma Na said...

I love you!!!!!! What amazing miracles are taking place!! Angels in our midst!

Unknown said...

Im so glad Your home safe! The tender mercies of miracles seriously! Hope this weekend is uplifiting and calm for you all! Hugs