Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Wednesday March 4

 I had a meeting for Port's speech this morning.
He is still very behind in a lot of areas, but showing steady improvement, so that is good.
They are going to bump him up to 60 min a week next year instead of the 30 he is getting now.
After the meeting I went and helped in his class for Art Smart.
Today they made snoopy's out of clay.
Port's turned out pretty darn cute!
Elsie has had a very loose tooth for quite a while.
Elsie waits until it pretty much falls out on it's own......
Well, today it fell out with lunch.
She started with a brownie, and it came out.
She cried (you know, blood...) and Mr. Powell took her to the nurse and she took care of her and gave her a little treasure box for her tooth (the perks of losing a tooth at school :)
And then it was time to go to class.
Well, when she came home, and pulled her treasure box with her tooth out of her lunchbox, I noticed that she hadn't eaten anything but that brownie for lunch!!!!!!
Poor girl, must have been starving!!!!
I got some more painting done today, and Dad did some more wiring.
After Port came home from school, we spent quite a while at Lowes trying to by more stuff for the house.
We got most of the lighting taken care of.
The main things we have left to purchase is the flooring, stairs/railing, doors, and trim.
Getting closer everyday!
After school, Madi helped Dad out by stripping some wires.
Cassi spent time practicing her PACE.
Her presentation is tomorrow.
It will be good to have it all done.
She is very prepared and she will do awesome :)
Before Madi and I left for YW, I caught a cute moment of the girls all together.....
Cassi going over her PACE while Madi braided her hair, and Elsie laid on the bed listening and examining her lost tooth :)
I love moments like this!
For YW, we did a dessert swap.
You make a treat, and bring the recipe to share.
Well, things did not work out to get a treat when I did a necessary milk run to Wal-mart, I grabbed some cinnamon rolls.
And Madi came up with the recipe to share with everyone.
She cracks me up :)
It was a fun night!

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

What a great post!! Good things happening for everyone!! :o)

Madi's recipe for the "Lazy Buns" is too hilarious!!! So funny!!!