Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday February 19

They started with texturing today.
They had about 9 guys working on it....
I am guessing this is a first coat....but they got the whole house done today.
I can't wait until they get primer on the whole thing and we can get going on more stuff inside!
Brent had physical therapy this morning.
He told the PT his goals and that he wants to be able to be released for work by the time he goes and sees the neurosurgeon again.
He is doing so good, and getting around really good.
He still has a numb calf, and his foot still has weird pains in it.....
But he is able to do much of the stuff he wants to do.
So the PT did more than just stretches with him today, which has been what he has been doing previously.
So....he is hurting a bit more tonight.
But it will be good.
When he came home, he made more rails for the deck.
I am loving how it is turning out!
And he is a smarty :)
He would have loved to do vinyl.....BUT, I hate vinyl :(
He just likes it because of the ease of maintenance.....and I don't like it cause, well it looks like vinyl....
So he made the rails so they can be removed for when we need to repaint them!
Isn't he brilliant!
The plan is to paint it white.....but I'm not gonna lie and say that maybe a stain would be really cool.....
But the trim will be all white, and the white will probably look better anyway.
Any thoughts???
The boys, Brayden and Braden, came back over to finish digging up the trench.
So awesome that they came and did that.
Brent wanted to do it, but it was something I wouldn't let him do.
Okay, I won't say I wouldn't let him do it....but I didn't think it was smart.
So I am glad it is done and we don't have to worry about it!
And we can have plumbing now!
Elsie got to go to Kyra's birthday party this afternoon, after school.
When I picked her up and came back home, the sunset looked so pretty behind the house :)
Made me smile.
Port had a banana before going to bed....and left the peel on dads little table.
Dad pointed out to me that it was a heart.
I heart hearts :)

This is looking into the entry way from the piano/front room.

This space will be the family room.
It was Cassi's room on the left of the picture and Madi's room on the right.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

I love the railings!! They will look so great! Yes, you should paint them white. :o) Having them detachable will be so great down the road!! Brent's a smart guy!!

The texture looks great!! So exciting to see it all coming together!!