Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sunday December 21

It was a hard night.
Not a hard night as far as the pain goes.....
Hard night cause he started the night out snoring real bad (not very unusual).
And he seemed to have a lot of time between his breathing.
So I started counting and he was 7-10 seconds between breaths!!!!!
I did not like that.
So I woke him up, cause I was concerned.
I don't know if the medication he is on is making him that way.
But I didn't like it.
I knew it would be a long night.
So we actually gave him a little caffeine pill to hopefully wake him up a little, but not too much.
It seemed to do the trick.
It took a while to kick in, but the breathing went back to normal soon.
He still snored.
But he got pretty good sleep besides me waking him up every 3 hours.
It's kinda like having a new baby :)
Got the kids up and ready for church.
We had the sacrament brought out to him.
We have never had that done before, and the kids had never seen it before.
So it was a pretty cool experience for us all.
I got them all to church on time.
Cassi went up with the choir.
It was a really nice program today.
The bishops daughter came home from her mission in California and gave a beautiful talk.
Then there were songs by the choir and the RS and then it ended with the primary kids.
Since Cassi was already up with the choir, I couldn't convince Elsie and Porter to go up for the song...
But it was beautiful, and I could hear Cassi singing beautifully :)
After sacrament I got the little ones to class and then went and checked on dad.
Got his medicine and got him in bed.
He took a good little nap while I went back to church for Young Womans.
For YW, we have been doing a 14 day 'journey'.
With scriptures and an invitation to do something that helps you come unto Christ with each day.
I have really enjoyed it and have had some pretty awesome experiences with the daily scriptures and the little 'trial' we are having.
We had girls getting up and talking about some of the experiences they had with the 14 day journey.
I have to say, we have STELLAR Young Woman in our ward!
I think it is just this day and time.
But they know their Heavenly father and Jesus Christ so much more personally than I ever did at their age.
It really is amazing.
My testimony grows more each time I get to hear a testimony of one of our YW girls.
After church, everyone was very excited to get back to dad!
Today was a day of visitors!!!
Lots of treats.
And we got two dinners :)
Good thing one of them was freezable.
We have such amazing people in our lives.
We had a talk with the kids today about how it is interesting to see this side of service at Christmas time.
We usually have 12 daily acts of service that we do as a family each night for the 12 days of Christmas.
Well, the bulk of those have not been happening because of what has been going on.
But it has been so special to see the love that others have had and the service that we have received.
As hard as it is to receive that service is quite humbling.
But such a special thing and it has really helped to bring that Christmas spirit to our family when we didn't get a chance to do what we normally do to really help us set the Christmas mode.
So I thank everyone who has made this Christmas time a Christmas we will never forget.
People are good!
Porter has really taken it upon himself to be the protector for dad.
Since dad is 'unable' right now to watch over and protect our family......that is now Ports job.
He told dad all about his plans to sleep in his clothes so he doesn't have to waist time getting dressed before he catches the bad guys.
He wouldn't eat any of the desserts.
He had to be healthy to protect his family.
He told dad all about his training plans to get big and strong.
So this family is well protected!
My sweet boy :)
We had our dinner out with dad in the front room today.
They just don't want to leave his side!

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