Monday, January 06, 2014

Monday January 6

I spent most of the day painting Porters floor.
I still have an extra something-something I wanna do to it....hope it works out to do it tomorrow.
I will keep you updated :)
I picked Elsie up a little early from school today because she had her first PT appointment since Katie left on maternity leave.
That was before school started....and we wanted Elsie to adjust to all day school, and Katie to adjust to having twins and a 3 year old :) after the new year was the plan to start back up again.
We were so excited to see Katie and Elsie worked so hard for her.
Katie did a new evaluation, and Elsie did really well.
She could do most things, except for jumping, and a few of the tasks she could do with her right side, but harder with her left.
But that is why we are there, to work on those areas to help her get stronger.
Katie is really awesome and we love her.
We got lucky, because right when we were getting ready to leave, Katie's husband, Greg, showed up with the twins!!!!!
We were so excited to be able to see them and hold them and love on them.
Benjamin is about 3 pounds smaller than Nathaniel is.
Benjamin had a knot in his chord.....they knew he was developing smaller, but had no idea it was a knot.
They started out at 3 and 5 lbs.
Teeny tiny!
They are doing so well, and we were so happy we got to meet them, finally!
The drive home was kind of a bear......rush hour. :(
Not sure that is gonna be my favorite part on Mondays, but I am thankful to get back in with Katie, so I guess Elsie and I can just enjoy that extra time we have together in the car :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

I'm excited to see Porter's floor!

How fun to be back with Katie! And to see the twins!! :o)