Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday July 10

I couldn't wake myself up this morning to work out because both Porter and Cassi gave me a rough night.
And I had to be ready to leave the house at 8 to get the little kids to their dentist appointment on time.
So I didn't go.
We got to the dentist (with me leaving a list for Madi and Cassi to get done while I was gone :).
Elsie wouldn't do the x-ray again, or have her teeth brushed.....but she did let Dr. Whitt look in her mouth and check things out.
And the sneaky hygienist snuck some fluoride in while he was looking.
Porter did everything like a pro.
Didn;t even have to worry about him.
Both of them are cavity free!
I am sure we will have issues with Elsie.
The molar she lost a while ago, has another molar almost all the way broken though.
We had talked about maybe needing a spacer once that other molar came in.
he said we will wait the six months for the tooth to push fully through and then maybe we can try to use Valium on her.....
But He didn't think it was worth the trouble of taking her in for sedation.
So we will wait and see what we will do in 6 months.
He said once the molar moves forward, it is hard to move back at all, even with braces.
We will see what happens.
We got home and finished getting things cleaned up.
The big girls did a great job.
We had about an hour to kill before Joanne came to see us.
It has been a while since we have seen Joanne, so we were so excited to start back up again!
While they waited they wanted to make a play, with costumes....
I have to say, it will be quite an amusing play once it is done :)
I don't know if you can read what Madi has written.....but it is so so funny when they read it out loud (very theatrically).
Then Joanne came and re-evaluated Elsie for Dr. Allie.
We just love Joanne.
She has a girl with her who is going to school to become a speech therapist, so that was fun to meet a new friend too.
Then lunch and Port took a nap.
I decided to head to the gym to get a little workout.
After that, I got home and grabbed the kids and we headed to see Jenni.
The girls hadn't gotten to see the house in person so it was fun for them to check it out.
Then we went to the pool with them for a little more than an hour before we headed back so Madi and Cassi could make it in time for Activity Days.
While the girls were gone, we found out that Elsie can do a trick we have been working on for a few years.
Balancing on one foot is not an easy task for her, and has not been able to do it.
But while we were swimming I saw her hold her feet up a little longer because of the hot sidewalk.
So when we got home from that, I asked her to hold it up as long as she could.
It wasn't a super long time, but she did it and I was so proud of her!
She was pretty proud too :)
After Activity days, We had a little window of time to make the kiddos some sandwiches before I had to turn around and take Madi to Young Woman's.
She got to go tonight because they were having the girls camp slide show and fun stuff planned.
She was excited about it :)
My friend brought Madi home, and by the time she got home, the little two were in bed and Cassi was helping me clean up again.
You would think it would stay clean since we were gone most of the day!!!!!!

(Elsie didn;t want her picture taken....)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

The play looks hilarious!!!

Way to go Elsie Rose! I'm so proud of you!