Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Wednesday February 6

Elsie and I tried to make our own fruit snacks today.....
They kinda ended up like jello gigglers.
But I think I know what we need to fix for next time :)
She had fun anyway.
It was a beautiful day today.
I went for a run and when I got home Port was outside hanging with Dad and his dog....and the kitty :)

It took 6 months...but we finally finished this project :)
I am so happy with how it turned out and I can't wait to get it up on the wall.
Brent made the frame out of the old picket fence that was around the house.
So that's kinda fun.


Emily Peterson said...

Homemade fruit snacks sound yummy!!!

That frame looks awesome!!

Rachel said...

Oh my heck! This is by far my favorite proclamation I have seen yet. Is that just one print? Did you make it yourself? I can't wait to come visit in June. I really want to come see your sweet home!