Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sunday February 3

I started this a few weeks ago.
Both Madi and Cassi have a journal and we write back and forth to each other.
So There is one between Madi and I and one between Cassi and I.
After we write in it, we put it on the other persons bed for them to find.
It has been fun.
It's not an everyday thing....but it has been useful in working through encouragement....that kind of stuff.
With these girls getting older, I like the idea of having many kinds of communication available.
I also like them to have something written to look back on.
I think it will be a fun treasure to have.
At least, that is what I am hoping for.
They sure seem to enjoy it :)
Oh, and Dussy Boy....
Here's your 4th of July link. 

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

What a wonderful thing to do with Madi & Cassi! Those journals will be very treasured!