Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday October 15

I took Elsie shopping with me, and it was so much fun.
She made me laugh and smile the whole time....along with others in the store.
She held her hand out like she had a list in it and would pretend to pull something off the shelf and throw it in the basket, then cross it off her 'list'.
So cute.
So was absolutely IN LOVE with the Halloween decorations.
She is always pretending to decorate for Halloween every day.
She was so excited to see the big goblin ghost thing hanging from the ceiling.
Goofy girl.
She says she wants to be a Buffalo Ballerina for Halloween.
Not sure exactly how to do that one :)
It was a lot of fun watching the joy she has for life.
And she got a lot of smiles along the way, like always :)

before heading to the store, we stopped at the bank and we found this rock that was engraved with Buffalos.
She had to have a picture of it to show dad.
She thought it was just the coolest thing ever!

She was all about helping clean up after dinner tonight.
She dried all the pans that were hand washed.
And she helped Cassi wash the eggs.
She felt (and looked) like such a big girl!

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

It's finally time to decorate for Halloween for REAL!! Yea!! :o)

She is getting so grown-up!