Today Sami and Ryan got married.
I feel bad!
I don;t even have a picture of the wedding couple!
So I stole one from their facebook page....aren't they adorable?

But it was a wonderful day and a beautiful marriage.
We started the day out at Emmy's.
Uncle Andy so kindly came over and watched the kiddos so we could attend the temple ceremony at the Mt. Timpanogas Temple.
After the temple, we drove back to Emmy's, then picked up the kiddos, and drove to Jalena's house. (Our niece)
She so kindly watched them while we went to the luncheon at Thanksgiving point.
It was a fun time (except the driving! Driving in Utah is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!)
After the luncheon we headed back to Emmy's.
Cleaned up the mess we made there, well, cleaned up what she hadn't gotten to yet.
Em, you weren't supposed to clean it!
Then we packed up all our stuff and headed to Evanston.
Writing it down doesn't really put justice to all the driving we did!
For the most part, except the traffic, it wasn't too bad.
We stopped in Heber to get dinner for the kids.
That turned out to be a big mess.
Took way too much time to get stuff that we didn't want.
Things usually go wrong when you are in a hurry.
Anyway, we made it to Evanston in time to hurry and get dressed and do hair and head to to the reception.
I am embarrassed to say I didn't even talk to them!
That place was packed!
They are very popular kids that come from very popular families!!!!!
We stayed for a while and had a lot of fun.
The kids had a blast playing with all their cousins.
Now we are ready for some much needed sleep.

Lauren, Madi, Heather and Cass
Lexi and Elsie, they had fun taking dishes from people.
It was Lexi's assigned job, but she asked Elsie if she would help out.
Elsie had so much fun.
I kinda feel bad posting this picture.
Porter looks terrified.
Dad told Porter that if he didn't act good, then Uncle Doug would have to arrest him.
Well, just for fun, Uncle Doug put Ports arms behind his back...Port was a little worried at first, but he caught on to the joke.
But he does look pretty worried, right? was a great day.
It was a long day.
We are SO ready for bed!!!!!!
Busy busy busy!
Utah driving is pretty horrid. It's always the most difficult of our trip down!
Love the pictures!
Amen on the ready for bed! And all my kids are big enough to get themselves ready:)
The driving was a mess....
Porter does look a little worried!
Can't wait to see you guys again in a few days!
Oh, that Porter! Love that kid!
I LOVE Madi's dress! Did you make that?
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