Saturday, March 19, 2011

Havin' fun.

Madi got to go to Kara's birthday party today.
So we had Aubree over to play with Cassi.
They had lots of fun painting...playing the Wii....and laying out in the nice weather...
They were just a couple of goof-balls.
It sure is great to have great friends.
Thanks Aub for hanging out with us!
And Elsie Rose was loving it outside too!
isn't that just the best smile?
We had a really fun night with the kids playing Wii.
We bowled a little then put the little ones to bed.
Then Madi, Cassi, Brent and I bowled some more, played some major tennis.
Fun times.
I think I may have thrown my arm out....ha ha...


Books = Possibilities said...

What a fun day! And so beautiful! I woke up to snow. Then it was sunny. Then it hailed. Then there was a snow/rain hybrid. Lovely Palouse weather!

Emily Peterson said...

Great trampoline pictures!!!