I LOVE that Madi loves to read!!!
One thing I don't understand...how in the world can she read 9 books at the same time?????
See all the books with book marks in them above...it is so funny to me!
She has this book shelf and constantly has a stack by her bed...guess it depends on the kind of mood she is in...
Silly girl!
Also...how in the WORLD can you listen to music and read at the same time!
She definitely DID NOT inherit that from me!

I can't even read if someone is talking in the same room! She must be really focused! Smart girl!
She is so much like Mandy. Not me I want total quiet to read and can't start another one until I've finnished the last:)
I also used to read several books at a time when I was little. I'm not really sure why. But I definitely can't listen to music at the same time as I read!
Hmmm, maybe Madi inherited some reading skills from her Aunt April. I still read several books at a time. And I often have other things going on: TV, music, T's video games, etc.
Reading Rocks!
Music and reading, now that's talent.
i never read several books at a time, but i did listen to music while reading. kind of acts like white noise, i can block out the music, but i can't always block out talking & people.
When I am reading a book myself and then one to the kids I always get mixed up with what is going on...I used to not be able to read with any sound but that is the only way I get to read now!
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