I LOVE his bed head!!!

This means he is finally getting enough hair to get messed up!!!
He wakes up with some pretty funny hair lately!
And, of course, I think it is adorable!!!
What about this little guy isn't adorable?
So I added some other fun pictures to make you smile!

I know...totally out of focus...but so darn cute!

This is the face he does when he wants to get something that he
can't have!!!
Little stinker....

And just more proof that Cassi likes to maul,
I mean LOVE, the little ones.
SO cute!!!!! He looks so cuddly!
I hate to throw out the fuzzy cute ones too. Cute bedhead.
He is a cutie! And he knows exactly how to play his mama! Watch out!
Ah, so cute.
looks like it is time for a buzz!
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