Madi has been such a joy in our lives. She is a definite leader, and was sent to be our first born for a very good reason.
Madi has always loved learning new things and has never been afraid to try anything...she is a smart cookie and I am just waiting for the day when she is smarter than me...that day is coming faster then I would like to admit!
Madi loves art. She loves to paint and use her imagination, and she is very good at it!
Madi is an amazing swimmer. I love watching her and it still amazes me to watch someone so young able to do the strokes that she does.
Madi is a definite daddy's girl!!! She has had him around her finger from day 1!!! I love the relationship they have. They are so much the same person. They can sit for hours and watch the History or Discovery channel cracks me up! And she soaks stuff in like a sponge!
Madi is such a good helper with her sisters. Cassi and her butt heads a lot, but she still takes very good care of her. Madi helps me so much with Elsie. She is always encouraging Elsie and helping her to do her best.
Madi is beautiful. Sometimes we look at her and can't believe that this girl is ours. She is such a treasure in our family. We are so grateful to have her. We love you Madi Bell and hope that you have a fun 7th birthday!!!
See, Daddy's wrapped around her fingers...

We will go later today a take her 7 year Birthday pictures.
Happy Birthday Bell!!!
I can't believe she is already seven, that means my kids will be seven in a couple of weeks. I am not ready for that. Have fun with her birthday. Happy Birthday Madi!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Brayden turns 9 in 10 days! They grow up so quick! Then the following month (Oct.) my Madi turns 6. Geez.
Wow! Already 7! Can you believe only one more year and she gets baptized? I love seeing her pictures from each year! She is so beautiful!!!
I can't believe she is seven. She is SO beautiful. You can understand this...just look at her beautiful parents.
Happy, Happy Birthday Madison! We love you. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Madi! She is beautiful! I hate that kids grow up so fast!
Happy Birthday Madi! I hope that you had a great day! We love you!
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