I am sure that everyone has seen it on the news already. I even saw it on the Today Show this morning. This happened last night. Brent was not working, but it was such a massive fire they did a general alarm in which they call back all Firefighters from home to come in. So Brent went in. I thought maybe he would just go man the station while the on-duty guys were at the fire. Well, I got a call at about 10:00 or so last night from a fellow fire-fighters wife telling me that Brent was at the Fire. It was so massive...not only ALL of Boise Fire Department were there, but they had the Meridian,
Nampa, Star, Caldwell,
BLM Departments as well as help from Police Officers from around the county. There were 10 homes destroyed...9 more with major damage. It was a long night for me knowing Brent was out there. He finally got home around 3:00 this morning. I talked to him a little then. That is when he told me that it was him and his crew that pulled out the only fatality from the fires. After a short night of him coughing and hacking from all the smoke he inhaled, he told me more about it. He said you would never believe the total destruction. It was like being in a war zone. This was all believed to be started by a brush fire...and at the same time we had huge 50 mph wind gusts which just fed and pushed the fire from home to home. Absolutely devastating. It has been amazing to see the whole community come together. They said on the news that last night they had more food, water, blankets, and clothing then they needed, which is awesome. It is good to know we live in such a great community with people who care about others. If anyone would like to contribute anything there is the
Boise Burn-Out Fund.
A little side-note that I thought was funny...I had to include. Brent went straight to his station from home and they sent
him to the fire from there. So he grabbed his gear and headed to the fire. When he got to the fires he was stopped by an Officer telling him he couldn't pass. Brent said that he was a Boise Firefighter and to let him through. The cop said he needed to see some I.D. Well, Brent wanted to get in there really bad. So he said "My gear is in the back of my truck, just let me in." The cop refused and said he needed I.D. Brent got all mad and pulled out his wallet and searched for some kind of I.D. that he might have and came across his expired I.D. So he pulled it out and gave it to the Cop...again, Brent wanted to get in...he was in a hurry...he kept saying..."there is my I.D. now let me in." The cop just looked at it , then looked at Brent and yelled "THIS IS A BLOCKBUSTER CARD!!!" Ha ha...he pulled the
wrong card out...so he grabbed the right one and the cop let him through...I am sure that cop got a good chuckle! So did I!

*all picture are from www.ktvb.com
Haha. Thanks for the story about the blockbuster card. That's just the firepower I may need at a later date when Benny starts giving me crap about something else.
Fires are scary. But funny story of the id card. lol.
How sad for all the families that lost their homes! I would be such a worry wort if my hubby fought fires. How do you do it? I love the blockbuster card story!
I just got back into town, and hadn't heard about it. Thanks for the update. That's horrible. Thanks to your hubby and all the others that helped.
That is so scary/sad! I am glad Brent didn't get hurt! I don't know how you do it I would be a nervous wreck! lol!
That is so scary! Where was it? I heard about it on the radio and was wondering where? I am glad your firefighter is well!
thanks for the laugh... something good can always come out of a bad situation. Thanks for being so good about your blog and comments- I can always count on your words of encouragement!
Wow that fire is crazy. Hey I finally got pictures up on my blog so you can see them. Your girls are beautiful and congrats on the boy. Tell Madi Happy Birthday tomorrow. We miss you guys!
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