Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wednesday February 10

First full day of homeschool!
I think it was a success.
I mean..... 
There was a point that I felt stressed and anxiety and scared and confined and like a weight was in my chest.
But it was the weirdest feeling.
I've only felt like that a few times that I can remember and it didn't end good.
But had a different effect.
Instead of scaring me off, it was almost like the spirit was showing me that it WILL BE HARD but that it will be worth it and that THIS is what I am supposed to be doing with these kids. 
That I can push through even when it's hard and I feel like giving up, it was reminding me that I have felt like this before and pushed through and conquered!!!
I don't even know if that makes sense, but it has the oddest way of reassuring me about this whole homeschool thing.
I will be better for it and most of all, these kids will be better.
I don't know if they will be smarter than they would have if they stayed in school, but I feel in my heart that they will be BETTER ❤️
That's enough for me!
Elsie had PT with Katie today.
We had to do retesting so we went to the clinic.
She was so good and worked so hard.
After dinner she was so tired and she chose to go to bed instead of YW/YM.
I didn't think she would really go to sleep... But it was like 7:30 and she was out!
It's been A LONG TIME since she has had a full day of school, and then plus the PT!
Poor girl was exhausted!
I got my box of veggies today and I'm excited about them ❤️
I also added a picture of our school schedule for now.
It might change, but it will look something like this, with sciences and history rotating days and PE and art rotating days.
Today we started our Kingdoms and classifications course for science. 
They were both interested and interactive.
It's gonna be good!


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