Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tuesday November 10

These baby bunnies are just so cute!!!!!
Porter has had a lot of fun with the little ones :)
Dad was gone at his helicopter training today.
We worked on school.
Still waited for Cassi's results, that never came.
This evening Dad and I had our ARP meeting.
We are on step 5, confession.
It was such a great meeting with LOTS of people attending!
More than usual and we love when that happens!!!!
In my share I shared about my side of confession.
I know that Brent and I have different stories than many of the people in our group.
Almost all of them have been divorced due to their addictions etc.
I have two very distinct memories, that I will never forget, of Brent confessing to me things he had done.
These are treasured memories for me.
To the world, it might have made more sense for me to get angry and fight....and I have done that plenty of times.
But these two times were different.
This was Brent coming to me, humbly admitting his wrongs.
He was vulnerable.
I had been lied to so many times, that to see him come to me with such honesty, was refreshing.
And it softened my heart.
It allowed me to see and feel the love he has for me and me for him.
Without that step of confession, not only can the addicted not heal, but the ones who have been hurt can't heal.
It is a very hard and necessary step.
Again, these steps can be applied in anyone's life!!!!!
These steps are not only for addiction recovery.
These steps are laid out, in a practical way, of how to apply the atonement in our lives.
No matter what your struggle is.
I am so grateful for it 


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