Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday July 14

It was a good day today.
Cassi babysat Carley and took Elsie.
And Porter was at Cannon's house.
I actually got a couple hours with NO ONE IN THE HOUSE BUT ME!
Man, it was so nice!
I went on a good 5 mile run keeping a 7:56 min/mile.
I think the weight lifting class is helping me to be faster!!!
I went swimming at the Morgan's for a couple hours, then bright Porter and Cannon home with me.
This evening we had our ARP meeting.
Brent was on a call and was unable to join.
Dang, everyone likes it when he comes 😁
But it was a really good meeting.
Still taking about having a change of heart, softening of the heart.
Asking the Lord to remove your shortcomings.
I have a couple shortcomings.... Anger and judgement.
I've been thinking about the take we listened to on Sunday, slow to anger.
It's funny when you make a goal to do something, it all of the sudden seems harder to do!
I've noticed the anger and hate and irritation I'm feeling around all the things going on in the world.
All the different and opposing views..... Make me angry.
I think anyone who doesn't think like me is an idiot and it just doesn't seem possible for the world to ever turn around for the better!
Peace seems so out of reach when there are so many differing opinions!!!!
I'm thinking, how can anything work out.
Then it came to my mind, that video that President Nelson put out in February about learning how you #hearhim.
I was all of the sudden struck with relief.
There is an answer!
That's the answer....the world needs to listen to Him!
That does not mean we all need to think alike, but the spirit will guide is to what we need to do.
There are no worldly solutions to the problems of the world.
The solutions have to be spiritual.
It has to come from him. 
I think about the timing of that message from President Nelson.... February, right before the US got but with Covid.
I'd that doesn't prove to you that he is a true prophet of the Lord, I don't know what will....
That he gave us the clue we need to fix EVERYTHING that is going on.
That he encouraged us to learn the way we are spelled to by the spirit, so that in these dark and lonely times, we will know how we can be guided.
Hate doesn't come from the Lord.
Anger doesn't come from the Lord.
Those are not ways to #hearhim.
So, it's not easy, but we need to pay attention.
We need to not hate or judge..... We need to love as He would love and listen and act on the promptings we receive ❤️
If only we could get the whole world to join in!!!
After the meeting, Elsie and I rode with Vern again.
And bubble and Eldon were our cheering section at their house.
She has 48 miles..... She will hit 50 tomorrow!!!
So cool!
I'm so proud of her for sticking to this goal.
I really owe it to Vern!!!
I don't think she would be as 'gung ho' about it if Vern wasn't riding with us!!!!
She's the best!!!

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