Monday, March 09, 2020

Monday March 9

Port didn't have a fever when he woke up, but I still kept him home just to be sure.
I did leave him when I went for a run and then I also went to lunch with a couple friends.
He was fine.
He did say he was super bored.
He does have a runny nose and sneezes....but no fever.
After my lunch I worked on some which invitation stuff.
I made cute labels for the return address, which is a clue for the invitation itself.
 They are pretty cute!
Elsie and I went to the mvhs girls softball game.
They won and Elsie was so excited!
Porter has his first football practice of the season.
So that's fun.
Dad had helicopter training again today.
When he got home, he got up on the roof and fixed some shingles that came off with the winds.
We got in the hot tub for our fhe tonight 😊
Except Cassi, she went and hung it with some friends.
She got a call back for a second interview at the Y.
That would be a fun job for her 👍🏻

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