Friday, July 05, 2019

Friday July 5

Well, the kids did pretty good out on the tramp.
I got up and made muffins for them.
They got up around 9:30 or so....
They cleaned up their stuff.
Avery and Cannon went home but Kyra hung out for a while with Elsie.
Such cute friends :)
I went running around was pretty hot, but the wind was blowing so that helped.
When I got back, I got showered and ready for the day and Dad and I and Porter took Cassi to the DMV.
Dad and I wanted to upgrade our license to a STAR card, so we figured we would do it at the same time.
It was PACKED at the DMV.
Port and I ended up taking a walk and we went to Target, REI and the gas station :)
It was a nice long walk and helped take up the time instead of waiting at the DMV.
Well, about 3 hours later, maybe 2 1/ was our turn.
I feel really bad for Cassi.
She was so nervous.
She was so close, but missed it by one question.
It's fine.
I will take her back on Monday and try again.
But she is pretty bummed :(
We got back home, Dad moved sprinklers around and I changed laundry around, then we went out to eat for date night.
We also went to the store to pick up some stuff for our backpacking trip.
I am so excited for this trip, I think it will be such a great a memorable time!!!!

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