Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday February 17

We had stake conference today.
Madi stayed home.
She had a bit of a rough night.
But I still think the healing process is going well.
Stake conference was enjoyable.
My favorite is listening to Pres Fujimoto speak!!!!
I told Brent that I wish he would be asked to speak in general everyone could see just how cute he is and what strong spirit he has!!!!!
When we got home, we ate and then we had some personal quiet time.
Kind of quiet.....Port still has a hard time with that!
He did make me the sweetest little necklace using a brad, copper wire, a key ring, paperclip and some hot glue.
It say's LOVE on it and I think it is pretty great.
He actually got in trouble at one point though, so I sent him in his room.
I went up there with him to talk and then he got his quiet time while I took a quick *nap* :)
About 3:00, we all gathered together to work on our Come Follow Me lesson.
We actually do it a bit different than the book....we start the lesson on Sunday instead of Monday.
It just seems to work best for our family that way.
We made a goal this week to work on the contention in our home.
To worry about what you are doing instead of everyone else.
Don't worry about the mote in your neighbors eye until you take care of your beam!
We could stand to be more kind in this household, so I look forward to see what happens this week :)
Dad had made a yummy beef stroganoff for dinner.
We invited Eldon and Bubble but they were shopping.
They stopped by later and we heated it up for them.
Then they stayed and we played a round of  'Cover your Assets'.
Madi won, big time!
The kids don't have school tomorrow, but since we had such a LATE night last night...….we got the little ones in bed at a good time and now hopefully these big ones will get into bed too!!!

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