Saturday, February 02, 2019

Saturday February 2

I got the stuff I wanted to get done today.
I got the basement finished and I got the top coat put on my tables.
I am so glad that Dad remembered to have us take the tables in the shop....because it rained all night and all day!
There was a little break in the rain during the day and Porter went out with the boys to play.
After Madi got home from work, I took Cassi to the store to get her some clothes.
There are way too many fights around here about Cassi wearing Madi's clothes and we are sick of it!!!!
So she got some stuff, hopefully there will be less fighting.
Poor Dad had a bunch of training today out in the rain.
He actually loves it because he was in charge.
He is so good at being in charge of that kind of stuff!
They also had a rescue up in the foothills.
Cassi went to a birthday party this evening.
Madi, Porter and Elsie and I watched Rango here at home and had ice cream.
Porter has been having a hard time feeling 'safe' lately.
Ever since we got home from Arizona...…
He says he is worried about a bad guys breaking in.
He is constantly making sure the doors are locked.
It is hard to talk him down some times....
So all week I have promised him he could sleep in my room when Dad went to work.
I am not sure why he is feeling so unsure.....and uneasy :(
Breaks my heart.

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