Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday January 10

I got to go and help in Porter's art smart today.
During the class, we had a fire drill.
The kids are all so good and organized!
It was done real quick.
Then back to art.
The kids took the face of Mona Lisa and changed what she was doing.
Porter had her on a skateboard :)
The lady who taught the class (we take turns) just wanted to do markers.
But she wanted a thicker paper.
She said, why don't we use this stuff......and I said, that's watercolor paper.
Kind of expensive to use markers on!!!!
But the I suggested that they use the markers, then we can give them paintbrushes with just water and then use that on the marker ink and it spreads like watercolor.
One of my favorite art hacks!!!!
So I think they turned out really fun!
Then I took Madi to her consultation appointment for her wisdom teeth.
They will be coming out the day after Valentines day!!!
She has one that is sitting right on the nerve, so she is nervous about that, but all will be good.
We want to get them out before they mess up her really nice teeth that never needed braces!!!!!
This evening, Madi gave my hair a chop :)
I have been wanting to cut it, but it always seems to take forever to get in to a place to cut it...and it takes forever to sit there and wait and then the cut.
I guess I am just impatient.....
So I got Madi to do it for me :)
I am happy with it and excited to see what it looks like when I do it!

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