Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday January 13

I am really loving Sundays.
I mean, we were all a bit rushed this morning getting to church in time.
But we got there on time :)
We had a great sacrament meeting with talks about Hope and trusting in the Lord.
And about how important we are in his plan.
Then it tied right into our Beehive lesson, which was about who we are and what we can become.
We had all the new girls coming from primary today.
There are 6 of them that are brand new, with a total of 13 girls!
I am so excited for this year.
These girls we have are stellar girls!
After church, I stuck around while our new Beehive presidency was set apart.
Since I didn't come home with the family, dad took the picture of the kids for me :)
I now I am weird, but I love that he did that for me ❤
That's love!!!
I came home and the three younger kids were at choir.
Back at home Dad, I and Madi all had some very nice quiet time where we could read and study scriptures and write in our journals.
It was really nice :)
Then they came home and we got stuff for dinner ready.
Cassi has her first paid guitar lesson this Wednesday, so she is trying her lessons out on Porter.
It went pretty well today.
We did our Come Follow Me together.
Talking today about Christ's birth.....but more about Christ's mission on Earth to do his Father's business.
We talked about how we can do our Father's business as a family.
We talked about being humble, doing temple work, keeping the commandments, pray...have courage to be an example, to be patient and understand that it is his will, not ours, that need to be done.
I just love the discussions we have together.
We also talked about the two verses that say that Mary didn't understand what the shepherds were saying or what Christ said when he spoke of doing his Father's business, but she felt it in her heart, the spirit told her what was being said was true.
So still not understanding what she was told, she trusted the Lord and she 'kept these things in her heart'.
We may not understand the things that the Lord asks of us.
But we trust in his plan, we trust in his love for us and we keep that feeling that it is true, that feeling the Holy Ghost gives to us, close to our hearts until we can understand.
So Madi had a meeting at 4, so we wrapped things up in enough time for her to go to that.
We had dinner then I had to leave to go to the Priesthood/Temple prep night for the kids turning 12 this year.
We started together and had Madi and another youth bear testimony of the temple.
The bishop spoke and gave the kids challenges to read the scriptures, to come up with a daily routine of when you will read and then also make a plan to attend the temple regularly.
After that, we broke off into Beehives and Deacons.
We talked to the girls about Personal Progress and then about going to the temple.
We had the parents tell us some Christlike qualities the girls have.
These really are great girls we are getting!!!!!
Then Sister Beaufort bore her testimony about YW and the personal progress program.
She does such a great job with those girls and brings the spirit with her.
Then we had some refreshments and headed home.
It was a nice I got to hold baby Audra most of the night :)
Tonight we started a new Book of Mormon scripture study.
We have been doing the same thing the same way for a few years and it was time to change it up.
When Dad and I went to Deseret Book and got a Book of Mormon family study guide thing.
It has all kind of question prompts and I think it will be a fun way to read through the Book of Mormon again.
I look forward to all we will learn together this year!

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