Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday December 11

The kids all had half days today.
I got a run in and then got ready for the day.
Got the Christmas cards all labeled.....need to get them out in the mail now.
Cassi came home around 11, Madi went to lunch with her 'Friend' Jason.
When she came home, she and I went to the Boise Art Museum.
She needed to go for a class and I was happy to join her.
It was a fun time and we should do it more often.
We went to Costco on the way home, I needed to pick up a few things.
While we were gone, Cassi had some friends over.
Poor Dad, he still had sinus problems all day.
I told Cassi she could have friends over when I thought Dad would be at work.
But they were pretty good and kept the noise in her room :)
The little ones had piano.
Elsie is so excited about her new song.
She is gonna start learning hymns and she wants to play in YW :)
That sure would be cool!
Before dinner, while we were waiting for Madi to get home from work, the rest of us played a game called "Happy Salmon".
Bubble gave it to Porter for his birthday.
Anyway, it was a pretty fun game!
Then Madi came home and we had dinner.
Porter went caroling for Scouts.
And then we all went to bed.
Well, except for Madi, who is still doing homework...……

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