Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday June 11

It was hard getting up and going this morning after such a late night!!!!
But the girls got to choir on time and the boys and I got to church on time....with good seats because the girls saved it :)
They also saved a spot for the Morgan's and the Hall's.
Stacia said it was so weird to go back to the home ward and not really know anyone!!!!
It won't take her long!
I figured out why I haven't gotten to know very many people yet......
It's because Stacia has been gone, and she is the person who makes me be social!!!!!
After church we spent some time with the Morgan's then we all went over to the Nielson's for a neighborhood dinner!
The Edwards didn't come because they have just one more night with Auntie Wendy....
And Eldon is gone working.
But it sure was nice to have most of the gang back together!!!!
It will be a great summer with fire pits and BBQ's..... :)
All the big girls, grownups included, left about 7 to go to a fireside.
Greg Olsen, the awesome painter came and spoke.
He did a great job and talked about some of his paintings and gave us some more info on some of the details and i really loved it.
He has several with Christ and sheep.
He said something that I really love and I want to try better at.
He talked about when he was younger and would herd sheep for his Grandpa on the farm with their dogs help, and holding switches, etc.
It wasn't until he was older and went to Israel (I think) with his wife that he watched a Shepherd and really noticed the difference between a sheep herder and a Shepherd.
He said he would walk through a busy marketplace and those sheep would just follow him along.....and he was amazed at the difference it was from herding his Grandpa's sheep and the fight that was.
I started thinking about how that could apply to parenting.
I literally feel like i am fighting to keep them going the right direction, not fighting, being nice.....etc.
I need to he a Shepherd for them.....lead them instead of pushing them.
Do I have that figured out......No I do not.
But I sure am going to try my best....because I am becoming overly exhausted with herding them!

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