Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday February 27

So I am using Madi's computer to blog....cause mine is corrupt and I am hoping that my hero, Dussy Boy, can rescue it!!!!!!
Such a bummer!!!!!
But today I didn't do much anyway.
I haven't felt totally great.....after I dropped the kids off at school I came back home and went to sleep.
It was a rough night though....both Cassi and Port were up throughout the night.
So I didn't get much done, but Dad did.
He got my laundry chute put up!!!!!
But it didn't come without a lot of work...
There was an electrical wire running right in the way.
He was able to reroute it and put the plug for the washer in a way better spot!
So that is great!
But I am very excited about the chute.
Now we can close in the wall and fix up that bathroom that EVERYONE goes in to!!!!!!
I took Elsie with me to the store after school.
That was a fun little outing with her.
She is a fun kid :)
Madi babysat and Cassi practiced some basketball outside.
Tryouts are on Monday, and she is pretty excited.
And Port and Max hung out all evening until dinner.
After dinner, I took the big girls with me to Hobby Lobby because Madi needed some stuff.....but it was closed.
Luckily Micheal's was open.WE stopped by Krispy Kremes because Madi needed a dozen donuts for her thing tomorrow.....
Well, I recognized Mrs. Chris's daughter as the emplyee there.
I talked to her and told her I was her mom's friend and I was the one who took their family pictures :) She was so sweet.
When we went to checkout, she said we could just take it.
She said she get's to take a dozen home with her after work, and she wanted us to just take it.
It was the nicest thing :)
We did end up telling her that we would buy ourselves some donuts to she did sell us those three :)
It was a fun time going out with the two big girls too.
I have had some fun times with my girls....I guess I need to take the boys out now :)

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