Thursday, September 01, 2016

Thursday September 1

I had a day today where I had NOTHING that needed to be done!
So I finally got some pears canned!!!!!! took forever and I wish I had more than 5 bottles to show for it!
They aren't huge pears....and we never sprayed this year, so they were NOT bug free.
So it took some extra time and care to get them sliced up.
I actually had 6 bottles....but one bottle busted in the cooking process :(
They say it takes about 2-3 pounds of pears to fill one quart jar...
So it makes me feel better to say that I canned 12-18 pounds worth of pears today :)
Well, attempted to.
The bottle that broke, I am still counting that!
I also made (still making) some fruit leather.
I borrowed Bubble's dehydrator and food processor.
We will see how that works out.
I also pulled out some cherries we had in the freezer to see if we can dehydrate those......
We will see :)
I did get laundry done today too.
So it was a good day.
I just love when there is nothing I HAVE to do and I can CHOOSE!
Tomorrow I need to make sure and get everyone packed and ready to leave for Evanston on Saturday morning when dad gets home.
And hopefully get more pears canned........
Madi had to work a few hours this evening.
Cass had VB practice, then came home and helped out and worked on getting her room clean.
I worked on reading and homework with the little ones and got them into bed BEFORE I went to get Madi!
Too bad neither of them were asleep when I got back home :(
Elsie is so worn out!
She had a rough night last night.
The weather is changing a bit, a little cooler, and that always seems to affect her.
But also the work and effort that goes into the whole school thing!
But she was a rock star and was great at school today.
Hopefully tomorrow will be the same.

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