Sunday, September 04, 2016

Sunday September 4

We went to church with Gramps today.
We also had a family fast for Cole and i was very proud of Elsie and Porter for choosing to fast along with us.
Fasting is a hard thing for these little ones to really understand.
I just tell them that we are showing Heavenly Father how bad we want these blessings for Cole, we are willing to give up eating for it.
And I talked about how hard Cole has it every day......and he is still always smiling.
So for us to fast, just for a little bit, shouldn't be too hard for us to do with a smile too.
I enjoyed church up until the point I felt like I should bare my testimony.
Ya, I know....crazy right.
I am not even in this ward!
But it kept going through my mind and I was missing all the other testimonies because I was having this inner battle with myself!
So I finally went up.
I am almost through the Book of Mormon again and I was reading in Moroni 5 this morning.
It was talking about when he started to lead the Nephi army again, and they wanted him to deliver them from their afflictions.
And how he was so sad for them, he was without hope, because he knew he was not the one who could deliver them.
They needed to repent.
They were struggling for their lives and forgot to call upon the Lord for help and strength.
Now I know we all have some sort of struggle.
Some really big....some not so big.
And it may not even have anything to do with needing to repent.
But the important thing I took away from the scriptures was....when you are struggling, big and little, turn to the Lord.
Pray often and always!
Anyway....that is basically what I wanted to share with them.
Not sure if it came out like that.
I also said how grateful I was for Gramps.
I said he was a very special grumpy old man :)
And he hasn't let me live that down all day!
Ha ha ha.....
We stopped to see Grandma before we went back home.
It is just the sweetest to be there with her.
Once we were back at Gramps house, we relaxed a little bit.
Then Gramps took us to a spaghetti dinner they had at the Catholic church in town.
At first he wasn't gonna let me eat, because I called him grumpy.....but eventually he gave in :)
Guess he;s not so grumpy!
Then we went on a little drive around town.
Dad showing the kids all the schools he went to.
When we got back to Gramps house, we went down by the river.
That was fun.
Catching frogs, skipping rocks, taking pictures, stacking rocks, hiking with walking sticks, picking flowers and then releasing frogs.
And of course a family picture to make mama happy :)
I am thankful for this bunch.

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