Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday April 15 (pictures to come)

It has a been a kind of busy day.
Dad left and did some practice runs for the test, that is tomorrow!
I went for a run, but had to cut it short......
My phone dies on me three times!!!!!
Super frustrating!
But the reason I had to cut it short is because I rolled my ankle....and it and my knee was hurting pretty bad.
It is feeling fine now, but at the time I was REALLY bummed!!!
Once I got home and showered, I headed to the school for Elsie's art smart class.
Dad got home just before I left, and he stuck his nose in the books, and scenarios the whole time I was gone.
He was scheduled to take the test at 2 tomorrow........but they called and moved him up to 8:30!!!!!
So that is good and bad......good cause he doesn't have to wait all morning and stress about it.....but bad because he wants to make sure he has done all he can for it.
He will do great, I know he will.
It will just be so nice to be all done!!!!
So art smart went good.
I got home and made a quick stop at Winco to buy some stuff to have sandwiches tonight at the football park.
Port had two at 5:15 and the other at 7:15.
So we had an hour between games to get a dinner in.
We decided to have a little picnic in the park.
We all went and it was a fun time.....soooooo cold though!
The wind was so bad!
But we survived!
They lost their first game, but killed in the second game.
They are growing and learning how to work with each other and it is fun to watch!
We got home and we were all just so exhausted.
Dad did some more studying, Cassi and Madi sang and played guitar together while Elsie and I listened......and Port made a special box for all his football stuff :)
I hope I can get Dad to bed soon.....cause he needs sleep more than anything right now!
He's got this!

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