Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday August 27

I am glad to say that things went smooth this morning.
It is not the ideal situation that I want....but you gotta start with baby steps.
I sent Elsie with a buffalo coloring page to work on until Ms. Dynka came in to get her for friendship circle.
That is something I wish they wouldn't take her out for.
I get it, it is fun, gets them talking.....but she is missing out of classroom stuff to go do this.
No wonder she keeps falling more and more behind.
For now, we are going with it.
They do the friendship circle Mon, Tues, and Thurs.
So before Ms. Dynka came and got her, while the kids did their seat work (which Elsie can do, but refuses to do without someone by her side....This is something we need to work on......)
Elsie colors her page....hopefully I can get some other kind of work for her to do and not just color.
I had to make it fun so that she would stay in class, without and aide, and let me leave.
So it worked.
For now, I will take it.
We need to get her willing to go to class without someone there to help her right away.
Then we can start changing what she is doing during that time.
And who knows if this will work.
But we gotta start somewhere.
I just want the best for Elsie bug!
She is smart, she is capable.
She needs the chance to succeed and not just be pushed to the side!
She is stubborn as all get-out though!
She woke up this morning with her thigh swollen like crazy from the sting she got the other night.
I didn't want to give her benedryl and send her to school even more tired then she already was......
So we put some topical stuff on.
After school it was still really bad.
Raised up to the size of about 4 inches by 6 inches and super itchy.
So i gave her some benedryl.
It did take the swelling down quite a bit!
It made for an already tired girl, meltdown tired!
She just cried and cried......
And cried.
But at least she had this super cute gymnastics outfit her friend gave her to wear :)
She eventually calmed down.
Vern came over to get us and we walked to Bubble's and Eldon's house.
Eldon came home last night, and leaves again tomorrow.
So Bubble made him some cream pies and invited us all down to share.
So yummy!
We tried to get home before it got too late and kids got too tired.
We might have waited too long because all Madi and Cassi would do was FIGHT!!!!!
But it was fun to sit and visit and eat some yummy pie :)
I hope tomorrow is a good one for everyone.
Yay!I really think they should have started school mid-week.
When I picked the kids up after school today, there were 5 kids crying at school!
Everyone is SO EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!
We are ready for the weekend!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What kind of stuff is the seat work? Can you use the buffallos to do math, or a story about buffallos? Not to make it hard for you, but just someway to disguise the work with buffallos???