Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday May 13

It was a crazy run-around day today.
After the kiddos were off to school, I left to take Elsie to her eye appointment.
It went good.
They dilated her eyes, so it took all morning.
They did end up writing her a new prescription for her eyes.
But it got better......she was 20/50 in the right eye (I think it was the right one) and it is now 20/40.
So that is good.
Talked to Dr. Lee about what other possible issues we could be looking at due to CP.
Well, she said that the issues Elsie has in her eyes are typical for any kid with extreme far-sight.
(I think that is what she called it...)
She said that they have vision therapy kinds of programs..
But that there hasn't been enough evidence that she has seen to think it would benefit Elsie right now.
We headed home, and originally planned to take her back to school, but with her eyes dilated, I didn't think that would be very helpful to her in school.....
So I took her home.
Stacia had picked Porter up from school for me and he stayed and hung out with Cannon.
He has been so proud of himself for being 'brave' and playing at cannon's house.
He reminds me at night, 'see Mom, I can go to friends houses!'
He is pretty cute :)
Once I dropped Elsie off at home, I left again to make a run to Walmart to get the toothpaste and bobby pins, etc.
I got a call from the school that Cassi was having a headache, and felt dizzy.
I talked to her and said that I would come by the school after I got done with shopping, but if she felt better before then, she could just go back to class.
When I got to the school, she had gone back to class, so that's good.
The concussion doc told me to try and get her to stay at school.
That she is at a point now that she can try to deal with the headaches.
So I am glad she decided to stay at school.
I stopped by Stacia's to pick up the boys and headed home.
Dad decided to spray some weeds today.
He has been feeling pretty good.
Hopefully he didn't push it too hard.
Then madi came home, and I ran her to PT.
While I was gone, Stacia picked up Elsie and Cassi to take them to Activity Days.
When I got done with Madi, I dropped her off, then went to the church.
Cassi's A.D. was mom included.
They had some fun activities planned.
Including blind makeovers!
The kids had a blast with it!
It was a lot of fun!
Got the little ones to bed at a good time tonight.......
I am feeling better.
My voice is still scratchy and I have coughing fits every now and then.
It is the worst at night :(
I really should get in in case I need to be on antibiotics....
But who has time for that??????

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