Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday May 19

I got the last coat on the bathroom floor this morning.
So now we can work on getting a working bathroom for the kiddos!
And the guy came today to put those last 5 rails in the stair case.
Dad fixed the receptacles that needed to be GFCI.
We still need to do the hand rail out front......we will do that tomorrow.
We can't get inspections done tomorrow because we will be gone for Brent's dr appt.
And you don't sched a time, you have to have the whole day open :(
So we will have to do it on Thursday.....which means we should be able to occupy on Friday!!!!!!
So exciting!!!!
Oh I hope it really happens!
So like I said, tomorrow is the day.
The day we go and see the doctor and he decides if they like how his back is healing....or if they want to do surgery.
We have been praying that we can avoid the surgery.
So please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a good day tomorrow.
We are hoping for no surgery, but of course we want what is best for the long run.
So please pray that we can feel peace with whatever needs to be done.
He has been feeling quite bummed the last few days....and hurting a lot too.
It's hard for him to feel optimistic.
But I am.
I am trying to.
I know it is gonna be okay.
It is just whether or not it is a hard road, or a harder one......
But we can do it.
Especially with the support group we have in our lives.
We are beyond blessed, and we know that.
Tonight for the RS activity, we had a service project.
And it was a mother/daughter thing for girls 8 and up.
So i got to take all my girls and it was a fun night.
We put together hygiene kits for homeless teens.
And made fleece blankets as well.
And we also collected, cleaned and sorted new/used book to give to low income families.
It was a really nice night and a fun way to serve with my girls.


Emily Peterson said...

I'm hoping and praying that the appointment goes well and that surgery won't be necessary!

So exciting that you might be able to start moving upstairs on Friday!! Yeah!!!

What a great service project! So fun that the girls could be involved too!!

Nina and Doug said...

Positive thoughts and prayers going your way today!!!! I want everything to go just as is should!! I pray for "peace" of mind!!

Nancy said...

You've got my prayers!!!!