Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday April 21

Today was Elsie's field trip to the Discovery Center.
She has been so excited!!!!!
I was really sad not to be able to go.
I feel like I have missed out on so much this year at the kids school....
Next year will be better :).
Thankfully Stacia went, and she sent me these cute pictures of Elsie having a blast.
She had such a great time and talked about it all afternoon.
She also told me about a new friend she met at the park.
They ate lunch at the park.
She said they met a 'special needs' girl.
She said she couldn't talk, but her mom talked to them.
And she smiled a lot at them.
Anyway, she went on and on about it and it was so cute.
Then she asked me "Mom, am I a 'special needs kid'?"
It kind of threw me off guard.
I told Elsie that she did need a little extra help with things, but she will be able to do anything that the other kids can do.
That she is just a regular kid, and that she does need help with some stuff too.
Her eyes got wide and she smiled and said "You mean I can jump?!?1?"
It was so sweet.....genuine excitement at the thought of maybe someday being able to jump.
I told her that she will for sure be able to jump someday.
She can do anything she wants to.
I know she can.
It will take a lot more work....but she can and she will.
Elsie bug is my hero :)
After school, the boys came and started filling the hole up for Brent.
Max has been eager to do 'work' for Brent according to his mom.
Such a sweet kiddo.
So the boys didn't get it all the way filled, but they did cover the pipe up, so that was great.
I got to go on another run!
But I was cut short.
I had a dog run up to me and it was so scary......he was baring his teeth, and mad and I didn't know what to do!
Every time I moved it made him mad....so I stayed put.
I didn't know what I was gonna do.
He kept barking at me, but backed away a bit.
So I grabbed my phone and called Vern to come and pick me up.
Luckily she was home :)
Yikes, that was super scary.
He probably wouldn't have bit me if I would have just kept running, but it wasn't worth the chance.
Stairs guy finished getting the steps put in today.
Next he will put in the newell posts and rail in, and then I need to stain them.
Then he can put in the posts.
It's gonna be beautiful!
Randy Barnack and his wife came and visited this evening.
It was great for Brent to see him and talk for a bit.
He has been pretty good today, but hasn't gotten up very much......so he is kinda stiff.
Hopefully we can get up and around more tomorrow.


Nancy said...

What a touching experience with Elsie:) Dogs are the worst thing about being out walking/running. Cindy has an excellent stare down tactic that usually works! You should have her demonstrate:)

Rachel said...

Sweet Elsie!
The stairs look fantastic!

Emily Peterson said...

Oh, sweet sweet Elsie! That brought tears to my eyes! And the Discovery center looks amazing!

That is scary with the dog - I'm glad Vern picked you up!

How fun that the boys wanted to do some work for Brent! Great boys!

The stairs looks amazing!