Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday September 21

What a special day!
I knew about it, and what was going to happen....but it was a surprise for the YW in our ward.
We had a stake fireside this evening.
Best known (by our YW) for her 2014 youth theme song, Come Unto Christ.
But what our girls didn't know was that she would be at OUR church and in OUR YW class today.
And that the luncheon we had planned (and told them was a get to know you luncheon)....was actually a luncheon for Jenny Phillips and our YW girls.
It was pretty neat.
She spoke to us at church, and shared some beautiful stories.
Beautiful testimony.
And the girls enjoyed themselves at the luncheon.
I am mad I didn't have someone take a picture of Madi and I with her :(
Cassi babysat the little ones while Madi and I were at the Luncheon, and she did a really good job.
They were having a lot of fun and playing school when we got home.
We were home for a few hours before the Fireside started.
I had Madi go with the Morgan's, because I wanted to get Porter and Elsie to bed before I left.
I didn't want them up until 9, or whenever we would get home....
It worked out good....I got the little ones in bed about 7:00 and got to the fireside about 7:25.
So not bad.
Again, so many beautiful stories and videos to share, and she sang beautiful songs in between.
It was one of those nights you just feel pumped and ready to take on the world and all it has to offer.
And choose good.
Choose light.
Choose happiness.
It was a great night.
I did feel like I have a lack of 'parable worthy' stories in my life though...... ;)
We were also issued a challenge in YW.
To have a negativity fast this week.
I am excited about it.
And Madi and I have Cassi on board as well.
I think it is just what we need right now :)
(Those family pictures in the background were taken my me :)

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

What a cool fireside! And such a treat for the Young Women! And for you!! :o)