Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Wednesday April 2

Oh man oh man am I tired.
It was a rough night.
But it was a good day, so that makes up for it I guess :)
Elsie woke up around midnight saying her tummy hurt.
I got her a tums and she said she was good.
About 30 minutes later she started to whine again....saying she had a tummy ache.
I was trying to see what I could do to make her feel better.
I offered to get her a bowl just in case she felt like throwing up.
Brought the bowl down, and she said she was I went and got her a drink and got her settled down.....then she threw up.
LUCKILY I had the bowl, so I caught most of in there.....
Poor girl.
I got her cleaned up and then she said she wasn't tired anymore, but felt really good now.
We went up and laid on the couch and relaxed.
I kept asking her if she wanted to go in her nice comfy bed......she kept saying no until about 2, when she fell asleep on the couch, so I carried her down.
I crawled in bed, almost asleep......and then I heard Port crying.
I went to see what was going on, he said he had a bad dream.
I settled him down and then went back to bed.
But he started calling a few minutes later.
So I just took my pillows with me and went and laid in his bed until he went to sleep.
I went back to my bed and at about 5, he started calling for me, mad that I had left. :(
So I went back and tried to convince him to go back to sleep, but he was wide awake.
So I told him we could go upstairs if he promised to let me sleep on the couch.
I should have gotten that in writing...... ;)
Anyway....Elsie woke up just fine and happy.
I ended up sending her to school (mostly because it was class picture day) but also, last time she threw up she was absolutely fine.
I am wondering if maybe it is something she is eating, maybe.....
After lunch, I took Port and we went to Laela's house for her 5 year old Frozen birthday party.
It was a fun time.
I stuck around to help Jenni, cause there were 17 kiddos there!!!!
We came home and picked up the girls from school on the way.
We got home and Madi had to come up with an appetizer and recipe to take with her for a recipe swap for Young Womans.
She made some yummy Churros Poppers.
She did a good job!
After she left (drove herself on the 4-wheeler cause it was at the Morgan's house) we played with the bunnies and took some pictures so I could try and get them sold on Craigslist.
They are such good little bunnies and super cute :)
Madi came home safe and sound and now I am struggling to get the big girls to stop talking and go to bed.
I guess I should be happy they are being nice to each other right???
But I am ready to get to bed!!!!


Emily Peterson said...

So sorry about getting no sleep last night. :(

That Frozen party looks like it was so fun!!

Cami said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I need that brown one!!!