Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday January 20

It was a nice morning.
Dad left with gramps to help in the store early this morning.
I got stuff packed and cleaned up.
And the kiddos enjoyed time with Grandma.
She shouldn't have done it....but she got on the floor with Elsie and Porter to look at the rainbows on the floor that were coming through the door window.
they thought it was the coolest thing.
While they were at it, the played Dr too.
It was pretty cute to watch.
She sure enjoys time with these kiddos.
Later on in the morning, she helped Elsie with her homework.
Elsie thought it was the greatest thing for Grandma to help her :)
It was so cute.
We ended up heading home around 2.
We did stop and see the Buffalos.
Of course :)
The drive went really good.
Meltdowns started just outside of that is pretty good.
It's good to be home.
I hope the morning goes good tomorrow getting back in the school routine...........

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