Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday December 14

So it turned out to be kind a packed day.
Putting mountains of laundry away....
Working on Christmas stuff.
Hoping to get stuff out in the mail on Monday or Tuesday!!!!
Finger crossed!
Stuffing Christmas cards (thanks to the big girls for doing it for me :)...
A fun little visit from the Young's, where the girls went out and fed apples to Dandy.
Oh, and Porter got hung on the tree by drew, for throwing snowballs.
And still lots of playing.
The kids decorated their rooms a bit for Christmas.
Porter put a branch off the tree in the middle of his room, with some very over sized ornaments on it....then the big metal train 'underneath' it.
Then the next circle around it were all the gifts, and then the outer circle was his 'family' getting ready to open theirs gifts.
That kid cracks me up :)
Then the boys put the Christmas lights up on the house.
I love seeing those boys together :)
While up there, Porter noticed that his voice would echo, and he started to yell really loud.
Then started yelling in a really high pitch yell, then he would turn to Dad and say "Dad you don't have to scream!"
Then he would scream again, and say "Dad if you scream everyone will think you are a little girl!"
And another scream, "Dad, you don't have to be scared to be up here!"
He is so funny......silly boy.
Then we decided to go out to eat, and get some last minutes gifts done.
We picked names off the giving tree at the ward party, so we got those gifts.
The kids had a fun time doing that.
We also walked around down at the Villages in Meridian.
We just missed the cut-off time to see Santa :(
Maybe we will make it again before Christmas, but if not, it won't be the end of the world.
And we delivered  our Nativity Star today.
There was actually a lot of fighting this evening.
Lots of fighting the last few days.
So I can't day it was a wonderful evening.
BUT.....I can say that we will all try harder tomorrow to be better than we were today.
I love my family, I DO NOT love the fighting!
So I hope tomorrow is better :)


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