Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday November 3

Church again without Dad.
He owed a guy for working for him, and today was the day needed.
It went pretty good.
We spent all of the primary time going over the program, which is next week.
I think it is going good.
We will have another practice in the actual chapel on Sunday, so we will get a better idea of how things look and sound. :)
Cassi sings the end song with one of her friends and a teacher...."A child's prayer".
I am excited.
It will be beautiful.
Anyway, as soon as we got home I fed Porter and put him in bed and ran to my Presidency meeting.
The girls were so good and sounds like they got along pretty well (according to Elsie :).
I got home and the Young's were here....we made plans to take their family pictures today.
I think they turned out great.....poor girls were so cold though!
Got home and made some pancakes for dinner and finished up homework for everyone.
Madi read to Porter while I helped Elsie with homework.
He got this book from The Idaho Youth ranch.
They let you have a book for free, and when you finish reading it, you get to go back and get another free book, and so on and so on until the 5th book and then you get a special prize.
I need to take the girls in too....I know they would love it!
Had a really good talk with Cassi tonight.
I think Cassi is in a rough spot....having a hard time with making right choices and acting like she should, almost regressing in a few ways too.
She did something today that she felt really bad about.
She called me in and told her how she was feeling.
She is such a tender hearted girl...such a sweet girl that I think feels more deeply than a lot of us.
We talked and hugged and talked more.
It was really good.
I told her that I felt bad that she had to wait even a couple hours to talk to me....that if she needs to talk, just tell dad or I that she needs to talk.
I also said that we are busy sometimes and all she needs to do is say "Mom, Dad, it is important."
Cause if it important to her, it is important to us.
I have had her on my mind a lot lately....just some weird acting out and breakdowns and fighting....
I have watched her too over the last couple days and have noticed almost a kind of lisp when she talks.
I don't know, maybe it's nothing...but maybe it is also a red flag telling us we need to give her more love and affection.....she needs that.
She needs to feel needed and loved and when she is always getting in trouble for her room being a mess, or not doing her chores, or not doing them right....etc, then she is not feeling that love that she so desperately needs.
Anyway, this is just me writing this down so I can remember it.
Because it was a very special talk.
Dad sent me a text after I told him about our talk, and he said to tell her that 'she is his and that he will always fiercely love her'.
I went and told her and we both started crying.
She knows how much we love her, I know that.
But she just needs us to show it in a different way.
A way that she can feel it and know it without a shadow of a doubt!

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