Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Tuesday October 1

Dad left for work this morning......
But came home not too long afterwards.
When he was choosing vacation days, he chose this today as a vacation day, thinking we might go hunting this year....
Well, we didn't go.
Last week, Dad noticed and remembered the vacation day, and fixed it.
He got to work today and noticed that he was still off (so was another guy, who also fixed it after not needing the vacation day....)
So they sent Brent home and paid overtime to the guy covering for him, because you are supposed to cancel your vacation 96 hours beforehand....
(Which by the way, he did!)
Oh well....
But he was home, which was fun :)
Cause we got to play.
I was gone for some of it though, cause I went grocery shopping and also helped in Elsie's class.
He got the basketball hoop put together....and the kids thought that was pretty great :)
After school, Cassi and Madi made plans to go running again.
The rain and busy schedules have prevented them from running as much as they wanted to.
But they got out today.
They ran an 8 minute mile.
Pretty good girls.
Avery came over to play for a little bit before dinner.
And Elsie is being a big helper with chores :)
I can't believe it is OCTOBER!!!!!
I am kinda excited for Fall...but time just seems to be going by so quickly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's crazy how sometimes I have to look closely at pictures of Madi to make sure it's not you!