Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday September 20

Port and Canon hung out most of the day today.
I took him over to Stacia this morning to play so I could get the stairwell painted.
Then she brought them over at lunchtime.
They had fun playing and I made them sit and watch a show while eating grapes so I could hop in the shower, cause I had to get to the school at 3:00 for Cassi's student of the Month assembly.
She also got recognized for being part of the student counsel.
I took the boys with me, but then Stacia called just before the assembly started and she took both the boys again, which was so nice.
Porter at an assembly is not the most fun thing ever :)
It was fun to see Cassi be recognized.
The teacher had the kids write a few things of what they liked about Cassi.....all very nice, and true things.
She is a very good friend for sure.
She was recognized for friendship and compassion.
After school Cassi went over to Bailey Goodwins house and Madi went to her friend Maegan Schulers house.
Cassi called about 5:30 and both girls wanted to come over here for a little bit.
So they did, and they had fun.
Madi is still at Maegans...I need to go pick her up now :)
Oh and Elsie had her first spelling test today.
She did pretty darn good!
Proud of her!


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