Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday April 25

I am really not liking this week.
I prefer to have Brent home with us more often :)
He came home pretty tired and sunburned today.
But he also came home with some video they took from the training today up at table rock.
The kids thought it was pretty cool.

The little ones spent some time cuddling with Daddy.

I love this picture.
Not only because of Elsie's huge smile with daddys arm wrapped around her.....
But also cause of Dads mini-me in the back.
Dad does the exact same thing with his hand up like that.
I love it.
So cute.
And here is a cute picture of Mater.
He is such a good dog.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

Oh, what a sweet picture of Brent, Els & Port! Porter is TOTALLY a mini-me Brent!!