Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Wednesday November 2

It might take a 15 hour trip to Arizona to get this guy to NOT BREAK THE RULES!!!!!!
I guess that it is a good thing that is exactly what we have planned for tomorrow!!!!
He is having a really hard time sitting around not doing anything.
Lets say 'hypothetically' that he made a trade with a guy for a small pull behind trailer.
It wasn't very pretty, but in good shape and basically free.
We can't tie down our cargo thing up top anymore....we have pulled the bars out from strapping stuff up there too tight.
ANYWAY.......say he got this said trailer....
Then spent time sanding it down, and repainting it.....and welding some tie down peices onto it.....
Then installing the correct hitch to our car.
Say all that happened....wouldn't you say that would be breaking the rules a bit?
Man....what am I gonna do with this guy???
Not sure if Doc would be too happy with him.
According to the Doctor, he should be to the point of lifting about 2 pounds.


Books = Possibilities said...

Ah, man! What's he gonna do Shen he breaks himself entirely????

Trailer looks great!

Can't wait to see you!!!!!

Young family said...

Great looking trailer! But how much to you guys pack for a few days???
Have a great trip!
and be safe!