Today was Elsie's birthday party!!!!
It was a great day, and the party was a lot of fun for Elsie bug.
Elsie got her first gift this morning.
I wanted her to have a buffalo shirt.....but who makes a cute little girls buffalo shirt?????
No one.
So I made one!
I am excited how it turned out....and she LOVES it!!!
So that is even better! that not the best smile EVER!!!!!!
Why a buffalo?
Ever since we went to Yellowstone, this girl has had an obsession with Buffalo's.
So I knew she would just love this!
For Elsie's party....I wanted to do all the things Elsie loves most!
And that started with a nice mac and cheese lunch.
Elsie eats mac and cheese almost each and every day.
So it was fitting.
Then they got to paint.
Elsie LOVES to paint.
Each kid got a clip board and a paint set.
The kids had fun doing that....but they didn't last as long as I thought they would.
Elsie kept going....she would paint for hours....
But I had to stop her so we could go onto the games.....
I told the big girls that they could each come up with a game and be in charge of it.
Cassi chose to to 'pin the tail on the horse'.
She, Ayden and Aubree headed this game up.....and they did a great job.
Elsie got right on.....but she did cheat too. :)
We also had a special guest come to the party.
Sister Roll came and hung out with us.
I am so Thankful for Sister Roll and I love that she is such a big part of our lives.
I know that even after our ward splits, or Elsie is not longer in her class, Sister Roll will always be a wonderful part of our lives!
After that, I thought it would be nice to go inside for a bit....cause it was pretty warm outside.
So we went and opened presents.
She had a great time.
Elsie always has the best reactions!
I love it.
Pure joy!
She got a lot of fun stuff from her cute little friends.
Afterwards.....Dad asked Elsie if she got everything she wanted.
She just smiled.
Then he asked her what she wanted for her birthday.....
Then she got serious.
A bike.
That was the only thing she had asked for.
Dad played it a little more and said "ohhhh, no bike I guess."
I wish I had a picture of it.....cause this little girl was heartbroken.
It was so sad.....she lowered her head and had that big bottom lip sticking out in a pouty frown.
She didn't think she was gonna get a bike.
Then Dad told her to hold on........
.......and in it came!
Her bike!!!!!
Can you just feel the excitement????
Isn't that just awesome!?!
You can't quite tell......but dad altered it a bit.
He put old jogging stroller tires attached to the training wheel posts.
So it turns into a big tricycle of sorts.
I think it is gonna work out nicely!
It is also a cruiser bike, so the seat is bigger, and the handle bars make it so she can sit up more straight.
And I even found a helmet to fit her tiny little head.
It is an infants helmet.
This girl has such a little noggin!
And I was happy to find one with red to match the bike....and pink, cause pink is so great!!!!!
After that, it was Madi's turn to do a game.
She, with the help of Kara and Amber, headed up a scavenger hunt.
She placed clues all over the house and the kids followed them all around.
It ended in the sandbox with a buried treasure box.

The box was full of crayon boxes for each of the kids.
Kinda fun.
Now it was time for cake and ice cream.....
But first we had to sing 'Happy Birthday' accompanied by Cassi on guitar.
She did a great job.
Elsie was so excited to try and blow the candles out...she kept getting pretty close, and almost hyperventilating.....
Silly girl.
With Dads help, she got them all blown out.
After that, I thought it would be nice to go inside for a bit....cause it was pretty warm outside.
So we went and opened presents.
She had a great time.
Elsie always has the best reactions!
I love it.
Pure joy!
She got a lot of fun stuff from her cute little friends.
Afterwards.....Dad asked Elsie if she got everything she wanted.
She just smiled.
Then he asked her what she wanted for her birthday.....
Then she got serious.
A bike.
That was the only thing she had asked for.
Dad played it a little more and said "ohhhh, no bike I guess."
I wish I had a picture of it.....cause this little girl was heartbroken.
It was so sad.....she lowered her head and had that big bottom lip sticking out in a pouty frown.
She didn't think she was gonna get a bike.
Then Dad told her to hold on........
.......and in it came!
Her bike!!!!!
Can you just feel the excitement????
Isn't that just awesome!?!
You can't quite tell......but dad altered it a bit.
He put old jogging stroller tires attached to the training wheel posts.
So it turns into a big tricycle of sorts.
I think it is gonna work out nicely!
It is also a cruiser bike, so the seat is bigger, and the handle bars make it so she can sit up more straight.
And I even found a helmet to fit her tiny little head.
It is an infants helmet.
This girl has such a little noggin!
And I was happy to find one with red to match the bike....and pink, cause pink is so great!!!!!
After that, it was Madi's turn to do a game.
She, with the help of Kara and Amber, headed up a scavenger hunt.
She placed clues all over the house and the kids followed them all around.
It ended in the sandbox with a buried treasure box.

The box was full of crayon boxes for each of the kids.
Kinda fun.
Now it was time for cake and ice cream.....
But first we had to sing 'Happy Birthday' accompanied by Cassi on guitar.
She did a great job.

Elsie was so excited to try and blow the candles out...she kept getting pretty close, and almost hyperventilating.....
Silly girl.
With Dads help, she got them all blown out.
Elsie couldn't make up her mind....she didn't know if she wanted a cake, cupcakes, or cookies for her birthday.....
So we did it all!
And it was exactly how she wanted it!
So I think overall it was a success!
Elsie was a happy little girl.
But pretty exhausted by the end of the day!
So I think overall it was a success!
Elsie was a happy little girl.
But pretty exhausted by the end of the day!
How fun! I love the cute buffalo shirt! Also that is a fantastic smile that she has!
Happy Birthday Elsie!!
What a perfect day for a perfect girl!
I can't believe she's five! I love, love, loved her picture with Sis Roll :) Happy Birthday to Elsie!
I just have to tell me that you amaze me with your blogging!! How can you possibly keep up with your blog every day?! What a priceless account of your life.
I don't actually have to tell me...I wanted to tell YOU :)
Oh I just love the excitement on her face as her bike came rolling in!! She is such a sweet little girl.
I have no idea why, but I got really choked up reading this. You guys are such wonderful parents to that sweet little Elsie bug. She is a lucky little girl! Happy Birthday Miss Elsie! We love you and are so proud of you. Our family just wouldn't be the same without you!
Perfect Elsie Party. Period.
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