Monday, May 02, 2011

FHE at Table rock

Man, it has been a full day.
It started as soon as the kids were off to school.
Brent and i headed outside for yard work....
Mowing and weed-eating.....which led to weeding, which led to us deciding to try to make our own curbing.
Ya, I didn't think so.
So in the middle of digging trenches for curbing, dad also put a railing up for Elsie on the playhouse.
Somehow the day flew right by us.
Which is good.....but not good, cause we need more time!
I had a Photo job tonight and they wanted pictures up by Table Rock.
I decided it would be a fun night for the family if we went up early and had a picnic up there and spent time 'hiking' around together.
It was so much fun!
It was very windy, but we found a great little spot that blocked the wind so we could eat.
I love my little family and I love the time we get to spend together.
And I will just forget about all the fighting that went on in the car on the way home.......dang kids.

Picnic dinner

My boys
We used the camera timer for this.
Brent told Porter to  "Look at Mom's camera, it's gonna blow up."
So Port started to try and blow it out.
Oh, that kid.
Cracks me up.

See, now you see why I SHOULD have coordinated their outfits.
See why it WOULD be a good idea to always be ready for pictures.
I THOUGHT about getting them all ready just in case.....but didn't.
Oh is cue anyway.
Good times with the it.


Emily Peterson said...

Kim, you crack me up! It's good to have a few non-coordinated outfit pictures to show that your little problem isn't too bad! :o)

Port's face is hilarious in that pic where he is trying to blow out the camera!

The pictures are all wonderful! That looks like a really fun area!

Books = Possibilities said...

Wow! Looks like you all had a wonderful time! The pictures are so much fun. And the non-coordination shows that you're not all crazy, my lovely sister!

Porter's face in both the family pictures crack me up! What a character!