Sunday, February 06, 2011


The other day Cassi came and asked me..."Since the Broncos didn't make it, who do we root for in the Superbowl?"
She seemed very concerned.
I said...I had no idea...ask Dad.
When it comes to football...we really just watch the Broncos.
But the Superbowl is great for family fun time...good food, and popcorn.
Yummy popcorn.
Brent and Porter stayed home from church today, cause Porters cough is pretty rough sounding.
He is doing a lot better.
I am going to have to start working on making him cry himself to sleep again.
We are having a very special visitor (Emmy) in 5 days...and I don't want her to have to worry about him waking up at night.
I let him cry it out last night after going in with him to times.
I just feel bad making him cry when it just causes him to cough so much.
But sleep will do him good...and me good too.
But I went to church with the girls.
Cassi bore another wonderful testimony.
I wish i had some of her 'guts'.
It was a wonderful day...Elsie went with Sister Roll again.
She cried for a little bit, but it didn't last long.
Thank goodness for Sister Roll.
And I had the best lesson in Relief Society...again, just what I needed to hear.
The lesson was about Christlike Communications.
Whenever I think something is missing in our home...I go to church and WAL-LA...there it is.
My answer.
Not that things are terrible.
But communication has been lacking between all of us.
Especially constructive communication.
My favorite quote from today was:

May we be found communicating with each other in a manner in which the Savior would communicate.
Christlike communications are expressed in tones of love rather than loudness.
They are intended to be helpful rather than hurtful.
They tend to bind us together rather than to drive us apart.
They tend to build rather than to belittle.
Christlike communications are expressions of affection and not anger,
truth and not fabrication,
compassion and not contention,
respect and not ridicule,
counsel and not criticism,
correction and not condemnation.
They are spoken with clarity and not with confusion.
They may be tender or they may be tough, but they must always be tempered.

So, I have my new goal for the week.
I need to really concentrate on how I communicate with the kids, and Brent as well.
I feel like I do a lot of telling them what to do...telling them what they are doing wrong...and I am not as patient as I should be with them.
I am not a bad Mom...but I could definitely be a BETTER Mom!
I know that the way I act has a lot to do with the mood of the home and how well everything goes.
If Mom is happy, everyone is happy, right!
I can't wait to see what the week brings.


Books = Possibilities said...

That is a great quote. I love teaching Primary, but I do miss out on great, grown up lessons such as this.

So, did you watch the Super Bowl anyway?

The Holdaway Family said...

I sure do miss going to Relif Society! Like April, I do love Primary, but I sure do miss being spiritually fed!

I feel like I do a lot for telling to. Do this, don't do that! I really want to concentrate on this quote this week too, thanks for sharing!