Sometimes you just have a bad day.
I am thinking that kinda happened around this place to most of the ones who live here.
Elsie was up at 3:30...and went back to sleep at 6:00.
Porter woke up at that makes me VERY tired.
My visiting teachers came over this morning....and while they were here, I got a call from the school saying that Elsie Had fallen at school and now she wasn't putting any weight on her leg.
So I went and got her.
They told me that she had fallen three times during P.E.
The first two times, she needed help getting up.
The third time they said it was a really loud crack...and she couldn't put weight on it after that.
I brought her home and we just relaxed...I waited to see how bad it was, and if I needed to take her into the Dr.
She scooted around all day on her bum...and then after a few hours of that, she tried to walk again, and this time she could do it.
So I am not exactly sure what happened.
Her knee is very bruised up...but she can walk.
Poor kid.
I felt bad for her.
I hope she gets some good sleep tonight.
She tends to fall more often when she is tired, or the weather is cold...or if she is sick.
Let's just cross our fingers that tomorrow goes well.
I did get a 20 min nap while Porter was sleeping and Elsie was watching Elmo's world.
So that was nice.
I had to get a few we went out.
Things were okay.
And I even got to the gym again, thanks to Jenni.
When the big girls got home...they opened the letter we got in the mail from Aunt Emmy today with some cute little Valentines in it.
When the big girls got home...they opened the letter we got in the mail from Aunt Emmy today with some cute little Valentines in it.
Little Valentines with tattoos inside.
Well, Cassi went right away to put the tattoo on...and it kinda smudged a little bit...and her world fell apart.
I felt bad...but it was hard not to laugh, and I didn't, because she was so dramatic about it.
Porter kept looking at her like he had no idea what in the world was happening.
And he tried to do his best to console her.

Isn't that just the sweetest thing?
Anyway, I guess Madi had a rough day too, she is getting a bit stressed about this PACE project that they are starting at school.
I am kinda bummed that she was assigned someone she isn't too interested in.
But I keep telling her we will keep reading and she will find something interesting about him.
But when she gets stressed, there really is no reasoning with her.
I think we are all needing Dad back around.
That will be nice.
We miss you Dad.
Who was she assigned? And what is the PACE project?
Sorry about Cassi....poor girl! And sweet Porter, consoling his sister! I hope she has a better day tomorrow!
And hope Elsie gets more sleep and her falls weren't as serious as they sound....a loud crack...yikes!
Don't forget that when you have a bad day the Youngs would love to help with anything... We hope Elsie's knee is okay.
What a rough day! I hope everyone is doing better now!
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