Thursday, January 06, 2011

Boy stuff. maybe there has been a lot of Porter on the blog lately...but he is who we spend most of the day with...
And the boy gets stuff done.
He is a good little helper to have around.
Porter helped Dad change the oil in the car today.
He was totally fascinated by it all.
He is all, trucks, and dirt!
Like Daddy, like son.
I kept Elsie home today cause her face was still pretty bad.
It doesn't seem to irritate her much, but she does itch every so often.
I may just take her in to the doc for fun if it is still around tomorrow.
Elsie is still having a hard time at night.
She was up at 3:30 this morning...I tried to let her cry it out...but I didn't want her to wake up Cassi.
So I took her downstairs and tried to rock her.
I tried that for about an hour with her crying the whole time...let her cry it out for 30 min. on the couch, then I cuddled her for another half hour and she finally went out.
It is all bringing back memories of Elsie's first 4 months of life.
That girl cried, ALL THE TIME.
I don;t blame her...we know know what the cause was.
We would swaddle her tight, and bounce or sway for hours...
Now, when she has a tough time, I can't really swaddle her, but she likes me to hold her tight against me and sway or bounce...
She would not go to sleep tonight either.
And she wouldn't let me sit while I rocked her...
I want to do all I can for her.
I wish I could do more.


Books = Possibilities said...

Poor Elsie! I hope the rash goes away soon...are you going to the doc for it? And that she starts sleeping better.

Porter looks like he's having a blast being with his Dad!

The Holdaway Family said...

So sorry about sweet Elsie! We will keep her in our prayers!

Porter is definatly all boy!

Emily Peterson said...

What great shots of Porter and his Dad!! I agree with Steph - he is definitely all boy!