Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We love the Wii

We had an early start to the day with Elsie waking up at 4:30.
But she did end up going back to sleep once the others were all up.
And we are trying to endure our days with the terrible twos.
Porter is really having a hard time.
He was grumpy all morning until I put him down for his nap.
That helped his mood a little bit.
But the girls spent most of the morning playing various Wii games.
Most of the time they were up off the couch swinging, and hitting, and running, and jumping...
They were pretty worn out.
Finally I made the shower and get dressed and they were ready for some calm-ness with Mario cart.
I cannot stay out of last place for the life of me...but these guys were doing really good.
Anyway, they don't play it a ton, and I got to get a lot of my stuff done without them noticing what I was working on, so it worked out pretty well.


Books = Possibilities said...

I'm almost always last place in Mario Kart. I was able to win once or twice with Mario Kart for the N64. But the Wii Mario Kart is more intense!

Looks like those girls had a blast. Sorry to hear about the terrible twos....

Emily Peterson said...

I'm glad Elsie got a nap in after waking up at 4:30!!

What a great picture of Madi & Cassi!